Why Is My Noisy/ Grunting/ Snoring Infant Making Weird Sounds in Their Sleep?

baby sleeping
Photo by kelvin octa from Pexels

When you’re asleep, it’s no different for an infant. They, too, need to rest and recharge their batteries. So when you hear your newborn grunting and squirming while sleeping, don’t panic just yet. There are several reasons for this, and none of them are scary or sinister. It’s completely normal! That being said, if you are worried about your child or want more information on the subject, read on to see why that snoring sound might not be as bad as it seems.

Why does my baby grunt so much while sleeping?

The first and most common noise you will hear from an infant is their grunt. This can happen for a number of reasons. One of the most common reasons is due to gas. As your little one grows inside the womb, their digestive system is not fully developed, so they cannot digest and break down their food properly. When they wake up, all the food that hasn’t been broken down properly is sent to the large intestine. This causes the infant’s tummy to bloat up, and they will make noises while they sleep as a result. Another reason why this might happen is due to their posture while they sleep. As babies grow and develop, their spines start to curve and their heads tilt forward. Their arms and legs are tucked in tightly against their bodies. As a result, their digestive system is squished. This can cause the gas and grunting that you hear from your infant.

Why Do Babies Snore?

Another noise you might hear from your little one is their occasional snoring sound. Most of the time, this is caused by allergies or a cold. When a baby sleeps, they are usually tucked into bed with a warm blanket or a couple of fluffy toys. When they are too warm, their body may sweat, which can cause a stuffy nose. The mucus in their nose can then block the airways, which can cause snoring. If your baby has allergies, they may occasionally have a runny nose and be congested. This can cause them to snore while they sleep. Another reason your baby may occasionally snore while asleep is that they are taking too long to fall asleep. As babies grow, they will start to sleep less and less. This can cause them to cry in frustration because they can’t fall asleep. Their snoring may be a result of them being frustrated.

So, What Does a Healthy Infant Snoring Sound Mean?

You should know that a healthy baby snoring sounds like a few grunts here, and there should be nothing to worry about. However, suppose your infant is making a grunting noise frequently, or the noises are accompanied by a fever. In that case, it can mean that your little one is coming down with an illness. In this case, you will have to take your infant to the doctor so they can get checked out and prescribed some antibiotics to get better as soon as possible. If you hear your infant snoring occasionally, it could be that they are too warm and have a stuffy nose. You can try putting your infant in a cooler room or using a fan, so they don’t overheat while they sleep. If they are congested, you can try using a humidifier to add some moisture to the air and help reduce nasal congestion.

How to Tell If Your Baby Is Breathing Fine While They Sleep?

If you hear your infant grunting occasionally and/or if they start to snore, you should make sure that they are breathing just fine. Babies are born with a natural reflex that lets them breathe when their nose is blocked. This is called the “mucus clearance reflex.” Babies automatically breathe more frequently through their mouths when their noses are stuffy. One way you can tell if your infant is breathing fine while they sleep is by watching their chests for movement. Another way is gently lifting their shirt and placing your hand on their tummy. If you feel them breathe in and out, you can let them sleep. If you don’t feel any movement or see that their tummy isn’t moving, check their mouths to ensure they aren’t sleeping with their mouths open. If they are, gently place their hands back in their crib and wake them up so they can breathe properly.

More Reasons Why Infants Make Noise While Sleeping

As your little one grows, they will make more noises while they sleep. This is because they are growing and developing at a rapid rate. At this stage, they will start to grind their teeth or even make chewing sounds. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. If your baby is waking up and making chewing sounds, you can try giving them a teething ring to help ease their teeth. If your infant is snoring, this can be a sign of a larger problem. If you notice that your infant is regularly snoring, breathing through their mouths with their lips fluttering, or waking up with a bloodshot eye, they may have sleep apnea. This condition occurs when a person’s airways are blocked while they sleep. If your infant makes loud, consistent noises while they sleep, you should take them to a doctor as soon as possible.


The most important thing to remember when your infant is making noises while they sleep is to not panic. While it is nice to know why they are suddenly making loud noises in their sleep, it is important to remember that the noises are most likely caused by a simple issue, not a serious or life-threatening condition. If the noises result from something more serious, in most cases, they should subside once the infant is treated. 

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