The 10 Commandments of Sleeping (Getting your baby to sleep well through the night)

baby sleep

Getting your baby to sleep well through the night can be one of the most frustrating challenges you face as a parent. You can tell your baby good night every night and tuck him or her in, but then be up at 2 am again, rocking your child back to sleep because he or she won’t stay asleep through the night without you. Here are 10 Commandments of Sleeping that can help you get your baby to sleep longer and more comfortably.

  1. Sleep when the baby sleeps – this is key for both of you. Your baby needs his/her rest, and so do you.
  2. Sleep in a dark, cool room – be sure to keep it at a comfortable temperature for everyone.
  3. Swaddle baby tightly – this will make them feel safe and secure, which will help them fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.
  4. Keep lights dim during nap time and bedtime – babies are sensitive to light and can find it hard to sleep if it’s too bright in their bedroom at bedtime or naptime; try using blackout curtains or an eye mask if needed.
  5. Be aware of the environment the baby sleeps in – make sure there aren’t any toys or blankets around that might pose a risk for choking hazards, such as ribbons, buttons and elastic bands.
  6. Try putting the baby on her back to sleep – babies who lay on their back from day one typically sleep more soundly than those who sleep on their stomachs because infants can breathe easier when lying on their backs.
  7. Feed the baby before bedtime- not just any food, either! Experts recommend waiting two hours after feeding a baby dinner (to allow for digestion) and then feeding him or her again.
  8. Have a comforting routine at bedtime- whether singing lullabies or reading stories, a calming ritual helps babies fall asleep quickly.
  9. Eliminate unwanted noise by creating a soothing white noise to play quietly. At the same time, baby sleeps- choose something that won’t interfere with the noise outside (like running water) to ensure baby gets the best sleep possible while trying to catch up on his rest.
  10. Make sure baby doesn’t cry himself out; babies naturally learn how to self-soothe when they’re not distressed, but if you ever need help easing them off to dreamland, Dr. Harvey Karp has three simple steps to make baby sleepy: The five S’s, says Dr. Karp:
    • Swaddle your baby,
    • Side or stomach, position him,
    • Swing or pat him in a gentle motion,
    • Shush over the top of his head,
    • Sucking on a pacifier or breast helps soothe your baby.

Babies love being rocked, swayed and patted gently. There should never be force applied. Repeat until the baby falls asleep. Once these four guidelines are followed consistently, babies may stop waking throughout the night by themselves between 10-12 weeks old.

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2 Responses

  1. October 22, 2022

    […] some babies sleep better. A review of studies on swaddling found that babies who were swaddled fell asleep an average of 7 minutes faster and slept an average of 20 minutes longer at night. However, there are also health professionals […]

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