How to Help Your Baby with Colic and Reflux: A Complete Guide

how to help baby with colic

Colic and reflux are common problems for babies. Colicky babies cry more, especially in the evening or at other predictable times. Reflux is when stomach contents come up into the throat, causing your baby to gag, vomit, and choke. Both can be distressing for parents and baby. But with the proper care and support, they won’t last long. Unfortunately, not every parent has access to this advice. This article will give you all the information you need about colic and reflux. Not only that, but we also have a list of useful resources that will help you navigate these issues with ease.

What Is Colic?

Colic is the medical term for intense, unexplained crying. The word comes from the Greek word kolikos, which means “to cry out.” Colicky babies cry a lot but don’t have a specific medical condition. The cause of colic isn’t clear, but experts agree that colic isn’t caused by a specific medical condition. Here are a few things that doctors think might involve: How your baby’s digestive system develops and works. Babies with colic might have a sensitive gut that makes them feel uncomfortable, particularly when they’ve eaten. – The way your baby’s nervous system develops. Colicky babies might have a sensitive nervous system that makes them more easily frustrated and bothered by things like hunger and discomfort. – The way your baby’s growing brain develops, including the way their central nervous system is connected. Colicky babies might have a “fragile” nervous system that makes them more easily overstimulated.

What is Reflux?

When your baby’s digestive system is immature, they often swallow more of their own digestive juices than they should. These digestive juices travel from the stomach and into the esophagus. In a baby with a weak digestive system, these digestive juices may travel up from the stomach, into the esophagus and then back into the mouth. This is called reflux. In most cases, the digestive juices in your baby’s mouth will not be strong enough to cause any problems. However, the juices in their stomach are strong enough to irritate the lining of their esophagus, causing a burning sensation known as reflux. This can result in acid burns and irritation of your baby’s esophagus. Babies with reflux are often fussy and irritable, particularly after feeding. They may vomit, cough, and have trouble sleeping.

How to Help Your Baby with Colic and Reflux

Babies need lots of love and patience, especially when they are dealing with colic or reflux. Every parent whose baby has colic or reflux has their own way of dealing with it. These are some of the most popular ways to help your baby with colic or reflux: – Changing your baby’s diet – Some babies with colic are sensitive to dairy, gluten, or soy in their diet. Cutting these things out of your baby’s diet for a few weeks may help ease their symptoms. – Swaddling – Some babies with colic feel better when held tightly wrapped in a cloth or snugly fitted blanket. – Pushing the pace of your baby’s feeding – Slow feeding won’t help a baby with colic. In fact, it may make the symptoms worse. If your baby has colic, increase the pace of their feeding. This will help them get full faster and ease their pain. – Soothing your baby with a warm bath – A warm bath may help your baby feel more relaxed and comfortable. You can also try rubbing your baby’s back or tummy with a gentle hand. – Soothing your baby with sounds – Some babies with colic find comfort in sounds like white noise or nature sounds.

How to make your baby more comfortable during a colic attack

– Walk your baby – Some babies with colic feel better when they are moving. You can walk them on your lap or in a stroller. – Pat, your baby’s back or tummy – Some babies with colic feel better when their parents gently rub them. – Give your baby a warm bath – Some babies with colic feel better after a warm bath. Be careful not to get the water too hot, though. – Soothe your baby with sounds – Some babies with colic find comfort in sounds like white noise or nature sounds.

Tips for helping your baby with reflux

– Don’t push the pace of your baby’s feeding – Slow feeding won’t help a baby with reflux. In fact, it may make their symptoms worse. If your baby has reflux, be careful not to rush the pace of their feeding. – Hold your baby upright for about 30 minutes after feedings – This will help prevent regurgitation and vomiting. – Consider extra support for your baby’s weak digestion – In some cases, parents can help their babies with reflux by changing their diet. For example, babies with reflux may be sensitive to certain types of protein, like cow’s milk. – Don’t worry about your baby growing out of reflux – Almost all babies with reflux grow out of it by their first birthday.


Colic and reflux are common problems for babies. Colicky babies cry more, especially in the evening or at other predictable times. Reflux is when stomach contents come up into the throat, causing your baby to gag, vomit, and choke. Both can be distressing for parents and baby. But with the right care and support, they won’t last long. Unfortunately, not every parent has access to this advice. This article will give you all the information you need about colic and reflux. Not only that, but we also have a list of useful resources that will help you navigate these issues with ease.

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